3. Continuing Recovery

One Year Anniversary of Second Surgery


Looking into the future


Exactly one year ago today, as I write this, I was walking into the hospital to have my second total knee replacement surgery and Boston was about to be buried by the ‘bomb-cyclone’ blizzard that struck a few hours later. Why do some events remain so clearly in mind? My first TKR had been in mid-September and the following weeks had been painful and depressing. While my left knee was regaining strength and mobility, my right had responded to the increased strain of being the ‘good’ i.e. ‘non-surgical’ knee by becoming even more painful. Sitting in the hospital, waiting to be taken to the pre-operative holding area I tried to relax and remember that I was, to the best of my ability, prepared for what lay ahead.

Now, a year later, relaxation has been replaced by an eagerness to explore all that had been a walk too far before. As for being prepared – I try to take each day as it comes, with gratitude and acceptance.

The basic message of this website is simple – there are no shortcuts to recovery. Every day matters and the process is front-end loaded. Since healing begins as soon as you leave the operating room, what you are able to make yourself do the first few weeks after surgery will set the stage for your future mobility. The issues I’ve covered; the importance of preparation, of sleep, self-care (including exercise) and managing pain are integral to a successful recovery. We are fortunate to live in a time when getting new knees is even an option. Let us take full advantage of that. Good Luck!