2. Rehab Exercises

Surgery through Second Week, Continued
Exercises for Rehab: Stage I, #6–#11

These exercises will also contribute to recovery during Stage 1




Quad Strengthening – Short Arc

1.  Extend both legs straight out and place a rolled towel under your operated knee. Please note, this is the only time you use a rolled towel under your knee for support.

2. Tense your quad muscle
3. Push the knee down into rolled towel
4. Lift your foot (toes up) so that your knee is fully extended.
5. Hold for 5 seconds.
6. Relax Repeat 15 - 20 times.

Progress in this exercise is defined as being able to lift the leg higher, hold it longer and/or do more repetitions than previously.



Quad Strengthening Long Arc

1. Sit in chair with neutral spine.

2. Raise leg with toes pointed up and knee straight.

3. Hold for 5 seconds.

4. Relax.

5. Repeat 15–25 times.





Heel Slides

1.  Put a plastic bag under the heel of your operated leg.

2. Slide the heel towards your buttocks, bending the knee as much as you can.

3. Hold it for 5 seconds.

4. Slide heel back to starting position.

5. Relax.

Repeat 15 times.




Extension Leg Stretch on Bed

1. Sit with your operated leg extended on a bed while the good leg is slightly bent.

2. Feel the behind-the-knee stretch on your extended leg.

3. Increase the amount of stretch by doing a thigh squeeze (contract your quad muscle) or putting a rolled up towel under your ankle.

4. Try to hold this stretch for 5 to 10 minutes.





Extension Leg Stretch in Chair

1. Sit on a sturdy chair and extend your leg straight out so it rests on another chair or a footstool in front of you.

2. Feel the behind-the-knee stretch.

3. Increase the amount of stretch by doing a thigh squeeze (contract your quad muscle) or putting a rolled up towel under your ankle.

4. Try to hold this stretch for 5 to 10 minutes.




Extension Leg Stretch with Belt

1. Sit on the edge of the bed facing one end of bed or the other,
depending on which leg was operated upon.

2. Extend the operated leg straight along the top on the bed and let the good leg hang off the edge of the bed, foot almost resting on floor.

3. Drape belt loop over foot on bed.

4. Bend forward, grab loop close to foot and then pull back
strongly on belt loop.

5. Hold tightly for 20–30 seconds, stretching leg.

6. Rest.

7. Repeat 3 to 5 times.
