4. Rehab Exercises

Week Three Through Week Eight
Exercises for Rehab: Stage II, #20–#25







Standing Quad Stretch

1. Stand with hand resting on counter.

2. Raise operated leg to rest on chair seat behind you.

3. Keep a neutral spine - don’t arch back or lean forward.

Make sure weight is on heel of standing leg.

4. Squeeze your glutes!
You should feel stretch in front of thigh.

Hold for 20 seconds.

Repeat 4 times twice daily.


Standing Quad Stretch, with large ball

1. Stand with hand resting on counter.

2. Raise operated leg to rest on large ball behind you.

3. Tighten core and glutes.

4. Use foot to roll ball backwards and then roll it forwards.

Repeat 10 times.





Straight Leg Hip Hinge

1. Stand on both legs with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, keeping weight evenly on both legs and over your heels.

2. Push hips back towards wall behind you and lean forward at waist, knees out.

3. Squeezing glutes, stand tall in one smooth motion Without Moving Knees Forward!

Repeat 4 times, twice daily.




Single Leg Squats Isometric

1. Assume squat position as above.

2. Shift weight to operated leg with weight on heel
while putting foot of good leg behind you, toe on floor.

3. Hold this Isometric Single Leg Squat for 10-20 seconds.

Repeat 4 times, twice daily.





Prone Hang

1. Lie on your stomach on the bed and slide your body down so that the lower leg is hanging off the bed.

2. Place a rolled towel or other support just above the kneecap of the lowered leg to relieve pressure.

3. Slowly count to 20 and allow gravity to pull your lower leg towards floor.

4. Gradually increase count to 30, then 40.



Single Leg Hip Hinge

1. Stand on one leg and press the knuckle of your big toe into the floor to keep the arch of your foot high.

2. Rest your hand lightly on counter for support.

3. Raise other leg in a right angle to front.

4. Push hips and leg back and lean forward at waist - as if you are trying to push your butt through the wall behind you. You will feel your weight transition to your heel.


5. Keep head in line with spine and eyes on floor.

6. Squeeze glutes to come forward and stand back up tall, maintaining angle of leg. Avoid having standing foot and knee collapse inward!

7. As you make progress, replace counter with cane and eventually, just use body balance without additional support.

Repeat 5–8 times.
