5. Rehab Exercises

Week Nine and beyond:
Exercises for Rehab: Stage III, #26–#29




Progressive Knee Bend

1. Stand with your good leg straight with that foot resting on the floor.

2. Bend your operated leg and rest that foot on a book. Hold for a count of 15

3. As you become comfortable with one book, increase the stack to two books and repeat exercise.

4. Then add a third book and repeat.





Stair Stepping

1. Stand at the bottom of a flight of stairs and hold onto railing.

2. Place foot of operated leg on first or second step and lean forward, gently rocking over your foot causing your knee to bend.

3. Bending your good knee at the same time makes this easier to do.

Repeat 5–8 times.




Bridge, with large ball

1. Lie on back on floor

2. Place heels on ball with legs fully extended.

3. Inhale and then exhale, tightening glutes as you lift butt and back off floor.

Repeat 5–8 times.





Bridge with Straight Leg, with large ball

1.  Lie on back on floor

2.  Place heels on ball with legs fully extended.

3.  Inhale and then exhale, tightening glutes as you lift butt and back off floor

4.  Using arms for additional balance if necessary, lift straight leg off ball and hold for count of 5.

5.  Repeat with each leg, 5–8 times